The bride was happy and the groom in love; almost 300 guests ate different dish of meet and fish (using chopsticks), and drunk rivers of rice's wine.
The hall was more than kitsch in pink color, the place was cold (outside was -7 degrees) and noise; the city was not Shanghai, but in the countryside; and I was like a panda in a zoo: every one was staring at me.
A wedding with several ceremonies: the Chinese one (the bride changed three time the outfit: white, red and blue); the Christian one (exchanging the ring); the orthodox one (light a candle together); and the Jews one (drink from glasses). Just for make everybody happy.
Last suggestion from the bride: "do not get married [in winter]".
3 commenti:
Perhaps the groom was earnestly wisching to wait until summer.
A me, in generale, i matrimoni non dispiacciono, a patto di avere sempre a portata di mano un amico/a con cui appartarsi e sparlare di tutti i presenti in caso di attacchi di noia improvvisa.
Com'eri vestita? Da elegante ragazza italiana o impacciato panda in via di estinzione?
@cyber: questo luogo comune che le ragazze italiane siano eleganti e' duro a tramontare - haha
ero vestita a cipolla per combattere il freddo, in bianco e nero: da vero panda ;p
per fortuna ero con alcune college, altrimenti non avrei potuto comunicare assolutamente con nessuno, nonostante il mio cinese sia fluente - haha
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