There are three ways for eating food:
- by hand (easy, but so impolite!);
- by fork and knife (western style);
- by chopstick (asian style).
Do you know how to keep your chopstick in your hands and at the same time eat rice? Because the hard part is using you chopstick for eat (whatever), not keep them in your hand.
Well, for the expo, the city of Shanghai come out with a new design for the chopstick meant to be use by westerns and children.
Obviously Chinese children know better [but still they need to learn, if they want to survive here] than a western how to use that tool, but they are cute and a lot of children are using them now. Me too.
Enjoy you food.
Well, for the expo, the city of Shanghai come out with a new design for the chopstick meant to be use by westerns and children.
Obviously Chinese children know better [but still they need to learn, if they want to survive here] than a western how to use that tool, but they are cute and a lot of children are using them now. Me too.
Enjoy you food.
6 commenti:
cariniiii!!! Ma tu lo riesci a mangiare il riso con le bacchette? e soprattutto... in quanto tempo????
è una provocazione intellettuale?
ti dirò: venerdì scorso mi ha invitato a cena un cinese e mi ha fatto i complimenti (magari con secondi fini) per la maestria con la quale muovevo le bacchette per carpire il cibo...hai presente il combattimento con bacchette nel cartone "kongfu panda"? uguale - haha
Three children were here in the past days.
They used to eat by hands.
Is it easy to teach them to use chopsteaks?
well, if they have a good teacher who is showing them how to use chopstick beside hand, is going to be easy :D
Le bacchette sono più eleganti dei nostri cucchiai metallici, non c'è storia.
Ma io ci metto esattamente il doppio (cronometrato) a mangiare il mio riso.
Forse è un bene, o forse no.
Hai mai provato a fare un esperimento sociale e a portare con te nella borsetta un cucchiaio personale da usare a tavola? ;)
@cyber: i miei genitori hanno fatto di meglio. hanno portato forchetta e coltello in ogni ristorante qui in cina perchè non sono particolarmente abili con le bacchette
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