venerdì 15 ottobre 2010


Is it because my clock is running out of time? Around me I just see pregnant women or couple with child (one child, we are in China).
Or is it because of the movies

I want my own child, but better don’t say it too loudly: I’m still looking for a man!

By the way, if you want to see how a child can grow up in a big city full of smog and noisy or in the wild field surrounded by animals and other children (I’m not going to say where it’s better), take a look.
Even if you just want to see a cute and funny smile.


1 commento:

Epaminonda ha detto...

Dear Ofelia,
In Putuo Shan (nearby Shanghai)the God Guanin can end up this kind of troubels.
You should go here as a pilgrim to pray the God of mercy.