sabato 2 ottobre 2010

Saturday night: better stay home.

Once upon a time, when I was in my teenager hood, I used to love hanging out with friends, going clubbing, staying out until sun rise (maybe not so late) almost every Saturday night (ok: once a month!). And if there was holiday, was even better.

Today is Saturday night. It’s holiday time. And I’m home. I’m not going out. Well: it’s raining. But this one doesn’t sound like a good excuse. Am I too old? Well, I’m still under 30…Let’s be honest: let’s face the problem.
I do NOT want to go out and be surrounded by Western guy clue to Chinese girls. I know it sound weird and a little bit racist (my apology), but I’ve been here enough time for realize that a western girl can just get “one night ride” (although there are few research that say that for a woman good sex is between 28-30); but if she’s looking for something more…well: forget about it!
So I just ask a simple question: why Western guy prefer Chinese girl? Because they do, even the ones that complain about the shapeless of Asian body, at the real end they date Chinese girls.
Here a few reason:
  • Chinese girl are more wiser, they know how to be weak and make a man feel like a man;
  • Chinese girl are humble;
  • Chinese girls put on a submissive "act" that flatters the ego of insecure men.
According to this answer, I don’t lose so much.
Men who can’t manage to be equal with their partner, men who want the easy and simpler way in a relationship: those men are not for me. I want more.
Better watching a romantic movie: “Enchanted”.

By the way: where are real men?


1 commento:

Epaminonda ha detto...

Dear Ofelia,
give up.
The science doesn't know the chemical of love.
So give up and go dancing on Saturday night.