lunedì 4 ottobre 2010

Shoes with fingers

Today I went to the fake market.

If you are planning to come here it is at the stop of Shanghai Science & Technology Museum, line 2. Suggestion: do not go there if you are not in the mood of bargain for the price.

What I found? An amazing collection of shoes, there are in thousand of colour, but “less is more, and black is better”, as you know. The label is vibram.
As soon as I got home I goggled the logo and I found out that vibram is an Italian brand. No wonder I love them.

Because I work in fashion and I love stereotype: Italian shoes are always the best – just for make it clear: it’s a joke!
And they are so comfortable – this is true.


2 commenti:

Epaminonda ha detto...

Dear Ofelia,
when do you think to wear the finest shoes I've never seen?
Dancing in the rain?

laFra ha detto...

also! till weather allow me :)