Let's "brain storming" about the meaning of this two colors.
Red: passion; blood; power; the red rose I will never get for Valentine's day; danger; never fire on the red cross; a juicy cherry; the lips you want to kiss.
Green: hope; nature; eco design; free to go (into the wild or to the next -red- traffic light); fruit not ready to be eaten; lime; bitter.
That's a general point of view. But here in China?
Here red (红色) is the most popular color. The flag is red; if you get married you wear a red qipao; during the chinese new year everything must be red; the stamp on the official document are red, do not forget that this is a (liberal) communist country.But not all.
Green (绿色) is not a good color here: if your partner cheat on you, you wear a green hat; not hope left in this color, because here nature is not appreciate as much as technology and big car.
A marriage certificate has a red stamp to formalize the beginning of a new family, with all the trouble that it imply; a divorce certificate as a green stamp, even if the partner didn't cheat.
Not just that. If you really want to get married (are you sure about what are you going through?), you are going in a office during tuesday, thursday or saturday. But if you want to divorce (finally an happy ending), you go in the same office - they just need a different paper and color for the stamp - on monday, wednesday, friday and sunday. Well, of course we need more working day for the divorce procedure, we have more clients.
So: what's your favorite color?
My is the color of freedom.
Red: passion; blood; power; the red rose I will never get for Valentine's day; danger; never fire on the red cross; a juicy cherry; the lips you want to kiss.
Green: hope; nature; eco design; free to go (into the wild or to the next -red- traffic light); fruit not ready to be eaten; lime; bitter.
That's a general point of view. But here in China?
Here red (红色) is the most popular color. The flag is red; if you get married you wear a red qipao; during the chinese new year everything must be red; the stamp on the official document are red, do not forget that this is a (liberal) communist country.But not all.
Green (绿色) is not a good color here: if your partner cheat on you, you wear a green hat; not hope left in this color, because here nature is not appreciate as much as technology and big car.
A marriage certificate has a red stamp to formalize the beginning of a new family, with all the trouble that it imply; a divorce certificate as a green stamp, even if the partner didn't cheat.
Not just that. If you really want to get married (are you sure about what are you going through?), you are going in a office during tuesday, thursday or saturday. But if you want to divorce (finally an happy ending), you go in the same office - they just need a different paper and color for the stamp - on monday, wednesday, friday and sunday. Well, of course we need more working day for the divorce procedure, we have more clients.
So: what's your favorite color?
My is the color of freedom.
3 commenti:
Direi: il blu. O qualche tonalità d'azzurro.
Bizzarro, se consideri che, ad esempio, la mia macchina è grigio antracite e la maggioranza dei miei vestiti nera (vale il blu dei jeans?).
Il rosso è bello, eh.
E secondo me, il vero complementare del blu, piuttosto che il verde.
Blu e rosso, anzi, sono i colori per antonomasia.
E di rosso ho una cravatta. Bella. Setosa. Mi dà una bella sensazione, in effetti.
Ma, con esattezza... qual è il colore della libertà?
Dear Ophelia,
So that's China, the great China.
But Italians love the blue coulor and vote Berlusoni because of he is blue.
And I have the blue. A big one.
@Cyber: nel caso specifico e' il verde...mi piace il bianco, che racchiude tutti i colori dell'arcobaleno.
@Epaminonda: which big blue are you speaking about? Silviolo?
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