mercoledì 12 gennaio 2011

You should get married

I guess I'm not the only one, around the age of 30, struggling between my parents will and the reality. My parents great desire, after have me back to Italy, is to have a grandchild. And because I'm the only child, I can't escape it - no brother or sister are going to help me.
The reality is: "there is no one so full to take me". It is a fact, no denied.

For make it less easy to take, I'm surrounded by friends that just tell me how good I'm in cooking, how amazing and clean is my flat, that I behave just like a perfect wife (honey, where are my socking?), and so on.
But why (why?!?) even my "happy friends" (the gays guys, for who doesn't know it) ask me: "you cook so well, why you do not get married?"

It is to much to take. And it is time consuming try to explain. Eat and do not ask.
Hope the food it's going to be stuck in your throat, while you are swallowing.

4 commenti:

Luciano Raso ha detto...

Se vuoi puoi sposare me. Anzi, e' una proposta di matrimonio (serissima): Fra, vuoi sposarmi?

l'anello e' in attachment

laFra ha detto...

grazie - haha
ti e' arrivato lo zaino?

Epaminonda ha detto...

Dear Ofelia,
You should say to your beloved parents: "Fuck you". The same to your friends. If you aggree, I'll do it for you.

laFra ha detto...

dear epaminonda: do it! haha